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Victory's Herd: Australian Snowy Mountains, Wild Horses of the World

Victory's Herd: Australian Snowy Mountains, Wild Horses of the World
10 August 2018, Herd 9

Late in the afternoon, on our last evening, we came across a small herd down in a gully. In this herd were two stallions and a mare and foal. The roan stallion, whose silver coat was marred with hoofmarks, was accompanied by a striking grey stallion (who we later found out was known as Victory). Both stallions seemed quite equal in their hierarchy; grazing in harmony side by side. 

In the distance we spotted another small herd of three brumbies. A handsome bay stallion led his two mares closer and closer and we were left in awe by his conformation, size and nature.

Even when we weren't photographing him, the bay crept up behind us and his curiosity gained the attention of the first herd we'd stumbled across. Soon all three stallions were approaching us. Although they never came closer than a couple of meters, they were bold and confident as they watched us. Of the 100 brumbies we'd photographed so far, these three gorgeous horses were among the most inquisitive and we enjoyed a quiet evening with them while we waited for the sun to set.

This is the ninth in a series of 12 blogs about the Snowy Brumbies; to read more visit (keyword: Wild Horses of the World)



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