25 Brumbies at Sunset: Australian Snowy Brumbies, Wild Horses of the World
9th August 2018, Herd 5
After driving through to Selwyn and Three Mile Dam, with no Brumbies in sight, we return to the Snowy Mountain highway and retrace our morning route. The herd of greys are still on the hillside, but we continue on hoping to find horses we haven't seen before.

Only a few kilometres later we spy about 25 horses in a valley, and another five on the hill behind them. They are further out than any others herds we've encountered and it takes a lot of willpower to hike out to them. This valley is a network of winding creeks and frozen lakes and many times we punch through the snow into frigid water.

When we finally reach the brumbies we are careful to stay well back, not wanting to send them fleeing after making the long trek out to them. Although it's a large number of horses they graze in distinctive groups; there are about four herds, plus a few bachelor bands.
A few of the younger horses are curious and inch closer, but a darker grey and his bay mare circle warily, trotting off before snorting and advancing again.

As the sun lowers on the horizon one of the herds head into a swamp and trot through the water. Stirring up the others, all 25 horses head towards the road, stopping to graze a kilometre away. Not wanting to disturb them we make the long hike back and start thinking about setting up our camp site for the night.
This is the fifth in a series of 12 blogs about the Snowy Brumbies; to read more visit www.kellywilson.nz/blog (keyword: Wild Horses of the World)